Monday, August 11, 2008


A strange question tonight... Why? Universally used to request more information on a given situation or event yet so specific in so many ways. My "Why?" tonight focuses on us ... humans and what we are capable of. Why are we the most compassionate beings on this earth and yet at the same time the most destructive??? We will risk our own lives to save the life of someone we do not even know and yet end it as well to destroy the lives of those around us. Lifesavers, firemen, medics ... and so many more will give their all to save a stranger and yet deep within all of us lies the capability to end the life of another at a whim!! Why??? Why are we given this great gift ... and this immense curse, all at the same time??? When the world around us is filled with so much hatred and pain, there are people that traverse these hardships, sometimes at the cost of their own happyness, to help others ( or animals for that matter ). The struggle inside of every human being between their own inherent good and the evil of hatred and misunderstanding that for some reason has been implanted in our human nature is a complex of questions that I guess will never be answered. We all marvel at the good that lies within all of us and the great feats of human compassion for both fellow humans and animals it reveals, yet we all crave and revel in the evil and pain of the suffering of others. Why this great gift ... when it is spoilt by this immense curse?? Why???

Saturday, July 26, 2008

A simple Friday night at home .... yeaa right!

So it was a normal day at work yesterday ... everyone on my back as usual about something useless and dreary. And why is it that when people have the whole week to ask you to do something they always wait until Friday afternoon to pile it on your desk??? And then they even get mad when you let them know that you don't have time to do it before next week? Don't waste my time with that ... I'll politely ask you to bugger off out of my office!

So anyway ... back to yesterday. Obviously I had to stop at the pub across the road from work before I went home, a couple of beers and brandies later ... and a few cellphone calls and a poker night was staged at my house for the evening. This was going to be epic! And it was!!! Well the parts I remember were pretty good at least so the rest had to be great. Now as the night regressed into mere drinking games with cards we all headed to the local bar for final rounds and a little bit of social drinking. Now this is where my complaint comes in ... as much as I frequent the local bars, I hardly ever see some of my old school mates there, so when I saw two of them there last night I offered to buy them a drink, they asked for some shots and I bought them two ... then they REFUSED!!!! to drink them ... now I know they were assholes at school but this was just a far lower level of being an asshole that I have ever encountered. I would never, if someone offered me a drink of my choice, give my selection and then turn around and refuse the drink. It's just low. How emotionally detached have we become in our lives to do this???

At least I could then enjoy the two shot myself ... but it also kinda spelled the end of the night for me because I was ... really drunk afterward.

At least the hangover headache passed this morning while I was still sleeping!